CHANGENOW Encrypted Digital Currency The current token is the first token created during the current trading phase. Tokens will currently receive funds in CHANGENOW, which will be the basic method for our management to register new coins and tokens.
When CHANGENOW becomes very fast, the token will be an incredible requirement.
**How does ChangeNOW work? **
Here are the basic steps used by ChangeNOW:
Step 1) Choose your cryptocurrency: for example, or any number of cryptographic methods of Fiat. In the drop-down menu, select the desired encryption assignment.
Step 2) Enter the address of your wallet: Enter your wallet and click Next. If you don't have a wallet, ChangeNOW will connect you to the platform to create a wallet.
Step 3) Confirm: Check all the information and click "Confirm".
Step 4) Deposit: ChangeNOW will generate a deposit address for you and send the deposit to this address.
Step 5) Get the coin: ChangeNOW promises to find the best bet from one of the top ten built-in exchanges. Your transaction will be processed and you will receive your coin at the baggage destination. No KYC, email or password is required during this process. There is no long registration process, no accounts and no restrictions.
In general, the ChangeNOW exchange takes 5 to 30 minutes.
CHANGENOW trades in cryptocurrency and you can switch silently using the digital currency.
You do not need to exchange password sources for different customers, but instead purchase cryptographic conversions to CHANGENOW for your benefit (or buy CHANGENOW from your pool).
You pay for administrative fees, but you can secretly trade an unlimited amount of funds in encrypted form.
CHANGENOW will charge a commission of 0.5%. Although Bitcoin and Etherium are very famous, you can exchange many encryption changes.
**ChangeNOW function**
ChangeNOW declares all of the following features:
Anonymous: ChangeNOW does not store your personal information, so you don't need to create an account on the platform before exchanging cryptocurrencies.
Easy to use: You can use your Visa or MasterCard to deposit your own cryptocurrency or purchase password.
Just: ChangeNOW claims to choose the best exchange rate for you. All fees are clearly stated before the transaction.
ChangeNOW charges 0.5%. They won't show any other fees. The table appears to be automatically added to the exchange rate you paid. Based on these payment information, ChangeNOW seems to be a very competitive price.
How ChangeNOW works
Here are the basic steps used by ChangeNOW:
Step 1) Select the cryptocurrency : for example, or any number of cryptographic commands. In the drop-down menu, select the desired encryption assignment.
Step 2) Enter the address of your wallet: Enter your wallet and click Next. If you don't have a wallet, ChangeNOW will connect you to the platform to create a wallet.
Step 3) Confirm: Check all the information and click "Confirm".
Step 4) Deposit: ChangeNOW will generate a deposit address for you and send the deposit to this address.
Step 5) Get the coin: ChangeNOW promises to find the best bet from one of the top ten built-in exchanges. Your transaction will be processed and you will receive your coin at the baggage destination. No KYC, email or password is required during this process. There is no long registration process, no accounts and no restrictions.
Regular tasks. Https://github.com/altingfest
Website: https://changenow.io
White paper: https://changenow.io/tokens
Telegraph: https://t.me/NOWtoken_Bounty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChangeNOW_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChangeNOW.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/@changenow_io
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ChangeNow_io
Author (Beat Putih) ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953434
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