Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Siglo Ico

Siglo Protocol

In emerging markets, increased access to cellular connectivity is undeniably creating new economic opportunities. We look forward to empower smartphone users in this market by removing barriers that previously prevented them from participating in the digital economy.
Siglo will also offer brand scalable solutions to connect with customers in some of the fastest growing markets in the world. Transactional deductions of ecosystem benefits from unchanged and auditable textbooks on the Ethereum block, including brand transactions, user transactions and user-to-user transactions. By tokenizing mobile airtime access, Siglo will be able to facilitate increased uninterrupted user access to the network through the creation of a decentralized mobile network.


We built Siglo for the success of our Android app, which has been used by more than one million smartphone owners in Mexico and Colombia to access the internet, adding a block layer above the previously established data chain point, called Piggy .gi coins  More of 65% of these users are not labeled. Launched in 2016, has generated over one billion impressions for its brand partners, the brand has received over 1 million consumer opinions, and we have distributed 45 million coins to users. We have collected a lot of new data that maps the customer's journey from the initial discovery to the final transaction.

Solve the problem

In the Mexican market, 61% of adults do not have bank accounts and by 2016. In Latin America, 85% of smartphone connections are paid in advance. For this user, 500MB earnings require between 8 to 40 hours of work, based on average wages and top-up costs in Mexico and Brazil. Getting top-ups for cellular connectivity requires a trip to a supermarket, gas station or small roadside shops. By using the app, these users can get airtime toptime during their trip, at home, or whenever their schedule allows them to interact with the app - giving them the ability to connect more than ever.

Siglo Token

To provide top-ups in scale, the Siglo token will be launched as the first token that allows providers and brands to provide consumers directly with mobile connectivity in exchange for engagement. We hope that the Siglo token generation will measure platform expansion that will provide benchmark access to airtime as well as expand ecosystems in new and future markets. As the user grows, our data set becomes stronger and demand for data increases.
Siglo's value proposition is unique because it is launched into a market where significant loyalty and participation has been achieved through the existing user base of 1.2 million users in Mexico and Colombia.
The token economic challenge is to balance the volatility of a free-floating token with the need for a currency that faces stable users in a market where advertising costs and mobile credit costs vary. The problem will be discussed in two levels:
  • Siglo tokens that allow exchange rates in Siglo applications, for example between apps and other Siglo apps
  • off-chain data connectivity that matches the price of local market products, such as coins provided to users when they interact with content and brands.
While currently, the Siglo protocol will be used in apps with coins, in the future, this could be gift coins or points distributed in different markets with tariffs that are a function of mobile airtime costs, advertising costs, and value local fiat currency.
The value of these off-chain chains varies between markets and applications, but remains at the cost of local products. To purchase products and top-ups from local carriers, users can exchange their data coins. In stage 2, users can also purchase Siglo tokens with their coins to exchange them on third party exchanges for other tokens or between different Siglo apps in the future - we aim to build exchange exchanges between protocol and peer to peer transfers. .
Although Siglo token prices in the open market fluctuate, local top-up prices in coins remain stable. It is desirable for transactions by users, especially in emerging markets, where it has no understanding of the financial dynamics.

Look forward to the announcement of the official announcement and see one pager for more technical details. If you want to see full whitepaper, email   .
Official links and sites:
Website: https: //
Summary report: https: //
BTT: https: // Topic = 2906845.0
Telegram: https: //
Medium: https: //

Author by beat putih

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018


DeHedge ist eine Risk-Hedging-Plattform für Kryptowährungs-Investoren, die versprechen, in ICO und Kryptowährungen investiertes Geld zu schützen.

Was ist DeHedge? 
DeHedge ist eine Plattform zur Absicherung von Risiken, die ihre Investitionen schützen will. Der Vorverkauf an DeHedge Token (DHT) beginnt im Dezember. 
DeHedge ist eine dezentrale Plattform, die Investitionen in ICOs und Kryptowährungen garantiert und Investoren bei Wechselkursschwankungen, Betrug, Projektabbrüchen oder anderen unerwarteten Schützt Problemen. 
Die Plattform basiert auf intelligenten Verträgen. Sie schließen einen intelligenten Vertrag mit DeHedge, und intelligente Verträge werden automatisch bezahlt.

DeHedge ist ein dezentralisierter Versicherungsmarkt. Sie kommen in einen klugen Vertrag mit DeHedge. Jeder Smart-Vertrag ist so programmiert, dass er im Falle eines versicherten Ereignisses automatisch vollständig bezahlt. Die gesamte Plattform ist auf der Ethereal Blockade gebaut. 
Investoren können auch automatische Zahlungen freigeben und sich entscheiden, keinen Versicherungsanspruch einzureichen. Wenn der Wechselkurs unter einen bestimmten Betrag fällt, kann der Smart-Vertrag die ETH oder BTC gegen Ihren Token bezahlen. Oder, wenn Sie glauben, dass der Preis wieder steigen wird, können Sie auf Ihren Anspruch verzichten und Ihr Token halten.
Ein weiteres Schlüsselmerkmal von DeHedge ist, dass seine intelligenten Verträge binäre Linkalgorithmen basierend auf Versicherungen, Reserven und Verbindlichkeiten verwenden. Dies macht eine Versicherung über den Versicherungsschutz hinaus unmöglich. Mit anderen Worten, DeHedge verspricht der Versicherungsgesellschaft keinen großen Schutz, zahlt aber nicht, wenn eine Veranstaltung stattfindet. Dies ist aufgrund der intelligenten Vertragslogik unmöglich. Es ist unmöglich, über die Berichterstattung hinauszugehen. 
Das gesamte System dreht sich um DeHedges einzigartiges Scoring-Modell. Das Beurteilungsmodell wurde "in Zusammenarbeit mit erstklassigen Beratungsfirmen" entwickelt, erklärt die offizielle Website.
Ausführliche Informationen über Bewertungsmodelle können in diesem whitepaper.System DeHedge die Verwendung von proprietärer Software beinhalten gesehen werden, um die zwei Arten von Informationen, einschließlich der automatisierten Erfassung und Analyse von Daten zu verarbeiten, die öffentlich zugänglich und Anpassung der Daten manuell ist, wenn nötig . 
Einige Daten wurden von der Maschine DeHedge umfasst White Paper Projekt, das Projekt Web-Seite, Teaminformationen, gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen, Aktivitäten und Repository GitHub, Blog-Articles, News und Post auf beliebten Online-Foren, Token Emissions Token, Token-Preis für das ICO , Token Post -ICO analysiert Zitat, die Zahl der Anleger, die Menge an Geld gesammelt, das Handelsvolumen und die Anzahl der Bieter.
DeHedge berücksichtigt all diese Informationen und verwendet dann Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen, um Projekte bestimmten Categoryen und Domänen zuzuweisen. 
Das Endergebnis ist, dass Sie die DeHedge-Plattform sehen können, um den Versicherungspreis für verschiedene ICO zu sehen. Möglicherweise sehen Sie einen auf der Plattform registrierten ICO mit der 350-Tage-Versicherung.
Das Package kostet 14 DHT. Das kurzfristige 15-Tage-Versicherungspaket für andere ICOs kostet unterdessen 2 DHT. 
Sie kaufen eine dieser Versicherungen, erhalten dann Schutz bei einem Preisverfall. Wenn der Token-Preis fällt, sendet DeHedge eine Benachrichtigung an Ihre Adresse.
Fällt der Preis unter einen bestimmten Punkt, können Sie Ihre Versicherung in Anspruch nehmen. In diesem Fall senden Sie das Token an DeHedge und sie zahlen BTC / ETH aus ihren Versicherungsreserven. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass der Preis wieder steigen wird, können Sie auch Ihren Versicherungsanspruch freigeben.

Vorteile von DeHedge
Insgesamt zielt DeHedge darauf ab, ICO-Investoren, Cryptocurrency-Händlern, institutionellen Investoren und Startup-Blockern Vorteile zu bieten. 
ICO-Investoren erhalten die Sicherheit ihrer Investition 
Cryptocurrency-Händler können auf Wechselkursschwankungen zugreifen.
Institutionelle Anleger können ihre Rentabilität erhalten und neue Investoren gewinnen, indem sie ein höheres Schutzniveau als andere Fonds gewährleisten.
ICO-Projekte können Investoren anlocken und vor Bergbau- und Dumping-Projekten nach dem Bergbau schützen. Investoren werden mehr an einem Projekt interessiert sein, wenn sie gegen ein solches System versichert sind.
Die Handelsplätze der ICO helfen, große Investitionen in ein Projekt anzuziehen 
Crypto Exchange stellt Transaktionen zwischen Clients sicher 
Crypto Wallets können Kunden Geld gegen Hacks garantieren und ihre Kunden schützen.
Landwirte können gegen Wechselkursschwankungen geschützt werden Wie Sie sehen können, zielt DeHedge darauf ab, allen Mitgliedern der kryptologischen Gemeinschaft, von den einzelnen Anlegern bis hin zur Angebotsseite, große Vorteile zu bieten.
Unternehmen können ihren Kunden zusätzlichen Schutz bieten, während einzelne Investoren Schutz für sich selbst kaufen können. 
Verkauf von Dehydrierten Token

DeHedge veröffentlicht insgesamt 1,000 Millionen (10 Milliarden) DHT Token. 80% des gesamten Angebots werden während des Vorverkaufs / Crowdsales verkauft. 15% gehen an das Projektteam und Mitbegründer, 2% gehen an das Bounty-Programm und 1% an das Marketing. 
Die ICO beginnt mit dem Vorverkauf vom 4. Dezember bus 17. Dezember 2017. DeHedge hat versucht, während des Vorverkaufs 3 Millionen US-Dollar einzusammeln. Investoren erhalten 25% Bonus, mit Basiszinssatz 1 DHT = $ 0.0165 USD oder gleichwertig in BTC / ETH. 
General ICO ist in der Zwischenzeit für März 2018 geplant, näher an der Beta-Veröffentlichung. Weitere Informationen über die allgemeine ICO werden im Januar 2018 veröffentlicht. 
Wer steckt hinter DeHedge?
DeHedge wird vom Gründer und CEO Michail Chernov geleitet. Andere wichtige Teammitglieder sind Bogdan Leonov (Co-Founder und CCO) und Dmitry Ansimov (Co-Founder und COO). Fazit DeHedgeDeHedge bietet einen einzigartigen Schutz vor der Kryptoindustrie.
Sie können Versicherungspakete über Plattformen kaufen, um sich gegen Preissenkungen, Wechselkursschwankungen und unerwartete Ereignisse abzusichern. Das DeHedge-System basiert auf intelligenten Verträgen, die automatisch bezahlen, wenn bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllt sind.
Um mehr über DeHedge zu erfahren, besuchen Sie heute online bei DeHedge wird die Beta-Plattform im Februar oder März 2018 mit vollständigen Plattform-Starts Ende März veröffentlichen. 
1- 01.04.17 - 20.12.17 Entwicklung des Bewertungsmodells 2- 01.07.17 - 20.12.17 Prüfung
3- 01.09.17 - 01.02.18 Entwicklung der ICO Versicherungsplattform 
4- 01.02.17 Start von Beta 
5- 01.03.18 Plattformstart 
6- 01.02.18 - 20.04.18 Entwicklung einer Plattform für Versicherungsangebote 
7- 20.04.18 - 01.05.18 Testen 
8- 01.05.18 Start 
9- 01.05.18 - 01.07.18 Entwicklung einer Plattform für Versicherungsgeschäfte im Kryptowechsel 
10- 01.07.18 - 01.08.18 Testen 
11-01.08.18 Start 
12- 01.06.18 - 01.09.18 Produktentwicklung für Versicherungskäufer von Bergbaubetrieben 
13- 01.09.18 Start 
14- 01.09.18 - 01.11.18 Produktentwicklung für Bergbau-Hardware 
15- 01.11.18 Starts
16- 01.08.18 - 01.11.18 Produktentwicklung für Crypto Insurance Wallet 
17- 01.11.18 - 01.01.19 Testen 
18- 01.01.19 Start 
Geben Sie ein 
1 DHT = 0.0165 USD 
Preis auf ICO 
0.02 USD 
25% auf Pre-Sales 
Tokens zum Verkauf 
Min. Investition 
300 USD 
Auf ICO verteilt 
Weiche Kappe 
10,000,000 USD 
Harte Kappe 
30,000,000 USD
Diese Post-Review ist meine persönliche Meinung über das DeHedge-Projekt, das im Rahmen einer Werbekampagne für das Dehedge-Projekt erstellt wurde.
Kontakt Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie:

Bitcointalk Username: Beat white Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1953434


BIRAKE was built by the software company that has been operating since 2010 in the web software industry. We are a real company, we have been more active in the media industry and especially in South America. We have a solution portfolio and software that supports more than 20 million users per day starting with the year 2010 we have developed/implemented a global content management systems for different industries. So far, the main activity of our business is the financial and media industries. We are experienced in forex trading and ending with the cryptographic industry for over 5 years. We have implemented the automated trading system, the Exchange platform, and lately we focus more on the area of encryption. As traders and investors, we have overcome the situation of overloading the trading platform in the area of Cryptography. Especially in 2017, there are times when more than 50% of the large trading Platform cryptographic has been overloaded/closed/not inoperable for long periods of time. For this reason, we believe that the platform BIRAKE will present a solution for end users, but also for companies that target the business/information exchange in this field.

A little bit about the company:

          Birake is a basic software development company. Company profile software solutions are used by more than 20 million people every day!

          The main directions of the company are the financial and media industries. Extensive experience in the forex market, as well as work experience in kriptosfere more than 5 years.

          Company as traders and investors often observe that the trading platform that is overloaded or closed for registration. This is a very good look at 2017. Therefore, Platvorma Birake will be a great solution for end users, as well as for business Orientorovan to cryptocurrencies.

In addition, Birake can be used in Kriptomonetah new to trading.


            BIRAKE TOKEN The token BEER is an application that is decentralized (dapp) tokens that are developed on top of the Ethereum blockchain, according to the ERC223 standard, which is an enhanced version of its predecessor ERC20 standard. Initial distribution will be done through the TGE Token (Token generation event), where people can buy a beer at the token
Exchange for ethers or bitcoin (additional forms of payment are considered).
After we build out the software industry agnostic back late, we will require vendors to use BEER to hire foreign software BIRAKE.
Clients will be able to pay with a beer token to the part or complete software solutions in the area of cryptocurrency. Basically you can have full Exchange software as a form of paying white LABEL with BIRAKE Token.

           The supply of a total of 300 million units of restricted token. The TGE will distribute up to 75% of the total supply of signs, 225 million Tokens. This amount will be divided between the sale/sale (up to 30%/45% of the available evidence, respectively). Each token that is not sold during TGE will be held at our company purse as a backup for token working capital and development costs in the future increases.
           The remaining 25% of the signs will be divided between Advertising (15 m), the Developer Token & Advisor (40 m) and marketing communication & (20 m). Management of the TGE is done through website. In General, presale participants can obtain a token 30% discount rate, 1 BEER = $0.07 USD. BEER tokens will be exchanged for the assessment of 1 BEERS = $0.10 USD or equivalent ether or bitcoin (additional forms of payment are being considered).


We will train our expertise in web development and data management to build the biggest White Label Exchange Platform. We represent a BEER token to activate the vehicle spend management of distributed environment of a ledger. The funds obtained from the sale of our token will be used to develop utility platform and to maximize the value of our products.

 for more information visit the link below:

Bitcointalk Username: Beat putih

Bitcointalk Profil Link:;u=1953434

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018


Just what is ImmVRse?

ImmVRse is blockchain based platform established with an objective to help with virtual truth globe as well as provide the Virtual Reality followers with best of the components. ImmVRse is here to satisfy this demand with brand-new modern technology which will develop a safe and secure as well as clear setting for its users. The platform has its very own integrated tokens called IMV which will enable its individuals to conveniently connect with the system and also use it solutions by exchanging these symbols. ImmVRse will certainly join globe's web content creators, advertisers and brand names to collaborate from any type of edge of the world with no cross-border barriers. The IMV symbols will certainly be utilized for the repayments between the celebrations that trade service they require in between them. The system utilizes smart agreements to resolve deals between the events to ensure that there is no need of middle-mans in between them and there could be a safe and secure deal. In following years VR is going to suffice part of our lives as well as will certainly rule the future market.

Advantages of immVRse are the following:

Total decentralization of the platform and autonomy of all payments;
Signing helpful contracts developing connections in between firms and specific staff members;
The absence of economic intermediaries in the system, along with managers;
Accessibility to the presentation of online fact items of the very best brands;
Ability to accessibility with hassle-free applications based on iOS or Android;
Award as encouraging growing tokens for web content production, in addition to its watching as well as evaluation.


300 million Tokens will certainly be developed where 100 million will certainly be maintained for the ICO. One Token expenses 0.20$. 30% of the collected funds will be distributed in the development procedure fund while 25% will be spent on the marketing, marketing, and PR of the immVRse system.

The immVRse is the combination of a wonderful group who contains fantastic specialists and skilled members. There are 13 employee as well as 3 experts of the system.

ImmVRse will enable the indeterminate exchange of Virtual Reality materials in between the designers within the very easy and clear decentralized setting. ImmVRse has actually set all the VR content designers where they collab with some top of companies through this platform. The combination of VR and also blockchain technology has the potential to turn the tables on all the sections of the market. Absolutely nothing can quit the development of the modern technology whose time has actually come, and also as these research study reports suggest that the future looks positive for the industry, Stakeholders of the sector must prepare themselves for the growth. It has become a leader of the sector which has actually brought a fantastic adjustment in the market. ImmVRse is a chance to those fresh abilities that could rule this industry.


Bitcointalk Username: Beat putih
Bitcointalk Profil Link:;u=1953434

BitSchool Integrated AI Synergy

BitSchool  is the world's first integrated eLearning platform that provides seamless connection and synergies between AI Lessons and Teaching and Teaching and will create a perfect personalized eco-learning system.

Personalized learning is the ultimate goal for anyone in the field of education and this is driving a spurt of recent attempts to apply high technology like AI to education or the emergence of various educational platforms such as tutoring or MOOC.

However, in BitSchool, true and idealized individual learning is difficult to achieve by taking a separate approach and can only be achieved through integrating AI learning with Teaching and Teaching. This integration is based on the BitSchool philosophy that the number is always greater than its parts and it shows how its application in educational reality. 

BitSchool Token Sale

BitSchool Token (BSCH) is the virtual currency that will be used on the BitSchool Platform. BSCH is issued to secure the seed money needed to develop and develop BitSchool and will be used in online transactions and purchases at BitSchool.

More precisely, BSCH may be used to purchase tutoring services or related products and / or may be used to purchase or renew licensing of Adaptive AI and Interactive Web Solution (IWS) products and services, which will be effective. 

The online lecture app is mainly used by tutors. In particular, customers will be encouraged and incentivized to pay BSCH for AI and IWS product lines because the purchase price when using BSCH will be set at half of the cash price, which means customers will get 50% off every time they purchase this product with BSCH for the first year after the launch of the BitSchool Platform (this discount is subject to annual reviews and updates).

Of course, in addition to using BSCH on the BitSchool Platform, BSCH holders may also redeem BSCH to other crypto or spend cash on crypto exchanges containing BSCH trading.

BitSchool Bounty Program 

A total of 4,000,000 BSCH will be distributed to participants equal to 1% of Total BitSchool Token Supply. Get BSCH now by contributing to promote and promote the BitSchool Brand as a whole.

This will be an exciting experience for you and BitSchool as you will be part of creating the most innovative EduTech project designed and developed so far while we can successfully launch and develop our projects.

In particular, there are so many varied aspects that you can discuss and promote about BitSchool so this will add more fun to your meaningful activities and we will be here only for you to respond to any opinions or questions you may have to make your activity more effective. 

Total Bounty Budget: 4,000,000 BSCH 
Total Bounty Budget will be allocated to all bounties as follows: 
20% Twitter 
20% Facebook 
20% 20% articles and videos 
Signature and Avatar 
10% Translation and Moderation 
10% will be used for gift covers for Telegram and other costs

Embedded Options

Stability Token is too important for consistent BitSchool growth. Therefore, to achieve and maintain the stability of the Token value, the Token to AI BitSchool Product value will remain maximum [current Token market value, ICO Token final value (greater value in both values) for the first year following the launch of BitSchool Platform.

This scheme will act as an effective counter action against fluctuations in Token values ​​that are not related to the actual performance of the BitSchool Platform but are driven by speculative market movements. Particularly if the put option is combined with a 50% discount given to a Token transaction for an AI product, the Token to AI product value equals or exceeds twice the current Token market value.We assume the final value of ICO is $ 0.2

Financial Street Map

BitSchool targets the international online tutoring market and the global eLearning market, and this makes BitSchool a very attractive business model both in finance and marketing.

International les and eLearning markets are expected to show strong growth of 14% each and CAGR 5% to 2021, and their combined earnings are expected to reach $ 376 billion in th. 2021. 2018 would be a great time to launch BitSchool.

Road Map Project 

Distribution Token 

Distribution Sales Token 


Total Token Supply 400,000,000 BSCH 
Minimum Achievement 4,000,000 Token 
Achievements up to 300,000,000 Token 
Token Price: 1 ETH = 6,000 Token

If You Are Interested About This BitSchool Project, Please Visit: 

Bitcointalk Username: Beat putih
Bitcointalk Profil Link:;u=1953434


ReelStar ReelStar Introduction ReelStar is a revolutionary new mobile app that is set to change the way we create, share, and trade content....