Minggu, 26 Juli 2020


TradeKax is an outstanding platform designed with necessary, advanced features of a digital financial system to provide better cryptocurrency exchange. Featuring key elements, such as an e-wallet and a cryptocurrency exchange, our platform provides essential trading features and services, such as market cap rankings, token/coin listings, trading tools and a marketplace. Tradekax aims to facilitate the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

Our platform lists approved and valid coins/ tokens. Also, we ensure that our users can trade in a safe and compliant exchange space. We are enabling an environment of total transparency and easy trading for investors to trade tokens with fiat conversions. Our focus is to maintain an ecosystem that simplifies and speeds-up the process of cryptocurrency investment. Aside from simplicity and speed, we provide our users with security and liquidity features

We are working hard is to improve the overall cryptocurrency user experience. Inspired by disruptive technologies and trends in the crypto industry, TradeKax approaches usability issues in an innovative way. Our platform is helping investors and traders make the best out of crypto trading.

TradeKax allows users to deposit, withdraw, buy, sell, and spend cryptocurrency safely. We are providing an opportunity for them to keep up with the fast-paced crypto market and trade in the most profitable way possible.

Every user on TradeKax automatically has access to the cryptocurrency support wallet. The wallet comes with certain functions, such as balance view, deposit and withdrawal. Balances currently reserved in limited order can be seen in the wallet, although the user cannot withdraw them unless the user cancels his or her order.

Through TradeKax Exchange, users can be assured that their money is secure and secure. Online wallets come with additional technical benefits. Users will be able to track trends and such. To ensure ease of use, our investors have their cryptocurrencies stored right at the TradeKax account to instantly trade any cryptocurrency on TradeKax Exchange. To ensure the security of the exchange, Users need to set a password that is difficult enough, enable security information such as 2FA Security and Verify new device and IP.

Tradekax Token
The TradeKax token is an ERC20 token and a smart contract system built on the Ethereum blockchain, and designed to be used by members within the TradeKax platform. TradeKax can be used for different purposes inside the TradeKax platform. Following this standard, TradeKax to- kens are easily transferable between users and platforms using ERC20-compatible wallets and can be smoothly integrated into exchanges. During the IEO, TradeKax will be sold on multiple plat-forms worldwide. TradeKax can be bought using Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other sup- porting fiat currencies including USD and AUD.

Market Problem
Despite the increase in public capital as more people are investing in crypto space, it is mainly crypto
miners, institutional investors, venture capitalists, financial analysts, and computer scientists that
enjoy the lucrative rewards from the market, while the ordinary investors are lost in the intricacies of
the blockchain system. A new crypto investor often finds navigating the blockhain ecosystem to be
challenging and cumbersome. Therefore, there is a need to create a simplified ex- change platform
that would be open and welcoming to new investors.

Although there are over 1500 existing cryptocurrencies, there are still certain challenges faced by the crypto market. Investing in new digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and tokens is subject to a series of risks, which include hacking, terrible user experience, and legal uncertainty.
Recognizing the existing challenges, Tradekax has been designed to provide access to digital assets to people around the world in a comfortable, secure, and better way. Utilizing blockchain technology, we plan to democratize access to global digital wealth. Our platform, which enables crypto exchange, is the ideal solution for those interested in the crypto market.
We are offering access to great investment opportunities and borderless wealth. This whitepaper will provide you with the necessary information you need to know about our platform and the services we have to offer.
This whitepaper describes the features and functionalities of Tradekax. Our platform is a cryptocurrency exchange platform, which is enhanced with multiple key merchant tools. Our goal is to ensure the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies.
The TradeKax team has already established a solid basis for sustainable mediumterm growth based on the existing products and infrastructure. We have a longterm business plan for further product development. The current market situation demands a new synergic exchange solution, and TradeKax is going to fulfill the role of a secure exchange provider and offer the much-needed infrastructure to become a market leader with the help of services and reliable network. We believe that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the payment method of the future. To make such payments possible for all consumers with maximum convenience, we aim to connect the blockchains in the background and offer an easy-to-use interface to our users. Our goal is to en- sure users enjoy the best the blockchain technology has to provide today
This whitepaer contains forward-looking statements involving inherent risks and uncertainties, and TradeKax might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections, and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates, and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements. In particular, the terms “Estimate”, “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Objective”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. These risks, assumptions and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general market conditions, market volatility, interest rate volatility and levels, global and regional economic conditions, political uncertainty, changes in tax policies, regulatory changes, and changes in levels of client activity as a result of any of the foregoing and other factors. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks or goals.
The purpose of this whitepaper is to describe the intention of the TradeKax Exchange project to potential users and investors. The information within this document does not imply any contractual relationship between the user and the TradeKax team or platform. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be deemed to constitute any sort of offering to buy any securities in any jurisdiction. Certain statements or claims within this whitepaper constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to uncertain- ties, the actual events or platform associated with TradeKax may differ from the estimated results outlined in this document.
There are different risks involved in the acquisition of Tokens and in the crypto industry generally. Be- fore the acquisition of tokens or participating in any crypto trade, every participant ought to evaluate judiciously any information and risks as well as consult financial experts. TradeKax will not be liable for any risk you encounter during your use of its platform.



Kamis, 16 Juli 2020

Originate Coin

Originate Coin
ORC 토큰이란 무엇입니까?
ORIGINATE Coin (ORC)은 강력한 ECR20 Ethereum Token 기술을 기반으로 한 새로운 블록 체인 cryptocurrency입니다 .ORIGINATE Coin은 모든 주요 환전소와 거래 할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 
이더 리움 기술을 통해 ORIGINATE Coin 토큰을 높은 가격 / 고주파 율로 거래하고 암호 화폐 거래소에서 최고의 표준으로 만들 수 있습니다. ORIGINATE Coin은 위험이 낮습니다. ORIGINATE Coin을 사용하면 각 키 소유자는 개인 및 안전한 방식으로 자신의 토큰 잔액을 직접 제어 할 수 있습니다. 
Ethereum 플랫폼의 견고성으로 인해 ORIGINATE Coin에서 모든 노드가 계약에 도달하고 사용자가 보상하기 위해 필요한 모든 데이터를 복제하는 노드를 설정할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 ORIGINATE Coin 사용자는 비공개로 유지하고 ORIGINATE Coin 통화 거래를 분산시킬 수 있습니다. 

ORIGINATE Coin 토큰 기능에 투자하십시오
가장 유망한 기술 중 하나
블록 체인은 미래를위한 가장 유망한 신기술 중 하나이며 ORIGINATE Coin (ORC)의 기본이되는 분산 원장 기술입니다. 데이터를 기록하고 전송하는 새로운 방법을 제공합니다. 투명하고 안전하며 감사 가능하며 정전에 강합니다. 

리퍼 럴 프로그램
무료 ORC Ref 친구로 최대 $ 100를 벌 수 있습니다. Airdrop에 초대 한 각 친구에 대해 5 ORC를받습니다. 최대 500 개의 ORC (100 달러). 

ORIGINATECoin 토큰 기능에 투자 
가장 유망한 기술  중 하나 인 블록 체인 은 앞으로 나아갈 새로운 장려 중 하나입니다. ORIGINATECoin (ORC)의 기초가되는이 순환 기록 혁신입니다. 정보를 기록하고 이동하는 다른 접근 방법을 제공합니다. 간단하고, 숨겨져 있으며, 감사 할 수 있으며, 정전에 대한 불 침투성입니다.

보내고 받기
빠르고 쉬운 ORIGINATECoin (ORC) 이동에는 현금이 결함이 적거나 보호되고 견실 한 방식으로 결함이 없음을 보장합니다. 비트 코인과는 달리, ORIGINATECoin과의 거래는 빠릅니다. 몇 분만 기다려도됩니다. 지구상의 어느 곳에서나 ORIGINATECoin을 몇 초 만에 보낼 수 있으며 30 초 이내에 지출 가능하다고 확약 할 수 있습니다.

자산 보호
암호화 자원을 보유하도록 외부인을 위탁하는 것은 상징적 경제에 중대한 보호자 위험입니다. ORIGINATECoin은 자신의 지갑에 토큰을 똑바로 담을 수 있도록하여 혜택을 담당합니다. ORIGINATECoin (ORC) 단계는 개방형 블록 체인 혁신의 헤드를 기반으로하며 이들이 제공하는 보안과 단순성을 활용합니다. ORIGINATECoin (ORC) 브릴리언트 계약은 웹에서 교환 교환 가치가 분산 된 형태로 만들어졌습니다. 우리는 ORIGINATECoin을 제조하여 보편적으로 사용 가능한 연삭 자유 가치 네트워크와 비슷한 수준의 블록 체인을 해결하여 동료 간의 개인 및 안전한 거래를 지원합니다.

확장 가능한 기술
암호 화폐에 대한 중요한 관점은 적응성입니다. 즉, 대량 수신을 위해 블록 체인에 대한 답변을 모두 확장 할 수 있습니다. 모든 것이 토큰 화되고 언젠가는 블록 체인으로 연결됩니다. 현재 이더 리움은 매초 약 13 개의 교환을 처리 할 수 ​​있습니다. ORIGINATECoin은 2019 년 말 현재 1 천만 건의 클라이언트 애플리케이션을 준비 할 수 있습니다.

대규모의 분산 형 공개 소스 커뮤니티 
ORIGINATECoin (ORC)은 클라이언트 네트워크에 의해 그리고 클라이언트 네트워크를 위해 만들어진 오픈 소스 비밀 계약입니다. 오픈 소스 벤처는 엔지니어가 협업을 통해 공유하고 배울 수있는 엄청난 기회를 제공합니다. 발전을 위해서는 조직이 프로그래밍 리소스를 제작, 전달 및 활용하는 방법을 업그레이드해야합니다.

소프트 캡 예산 할당
27 % 제품 개발
로드맵에 따른 제품 개발.
39 % 마케팅, 판매, 가맹점 인수 및 파트너십
소매 업체를 플랫폼으로 유치하여 지불 제공 업체, 웹 사이트 빌더, 로열티 프로그램 서비스 제공 업체 및 기타 파트너와 파트너십을 맺는 비용.
12 % 운영
운영 비용, 비 기술 직원 급여.
6 % 법률
회사 및 자회사 설립, 소매 업체와의 계약, BitRewards 서비스 및 소매 업체 운영의 전체 스택에 대한 법적 의견 개발 등
16 % 관리
C 급 임원 급여.
#originate #coin #blockchain #btc #eth #ORC
2019 년 11 월-12 월
초기 코인 제공 및 프로모션, 토큰 확산 및 프로모션, 소셜 미디어 캠페인
2020 년 1 월 2 월
프로젝트 검토 및 새로운 스마트 계약 기반의 Originate Coin 사후 프로젝트 검토 결과 개발
2020 년 4 월 -6 월
새로운 스마트 계약의 구현
2020 년 7 월 -8 월
사전 판매, Ico, 에어 드롭
2020 년 9 월 ~ 11 월
IEO- 바운티
2020 년 12 월-2021 년 1 월
교환 목록, 더 유니크 한 웹 사이트 업데이트
출시 예정

우리 팀원
크리스토퍼 케반
존 레스터
유니스 여왕
트린 휴이

우리의 고문
바네사 룩
애슐리 림



Devils Dragon

Devils Dragon
About the project
technology and cryptocurrency have created significant technological changes throughout the world that also affect the adult entertainment industry. DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) DEVIL takes advantage of this technological change and limited competition in the open market to create a practical ecosystem that combines the adult entertainment industry and cryptocurrency.
DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) DEVIL is not just a reflection of practical communities that are uniquely designed to maintain peer-to-peer (P2P) involvement or simple tokens enhanced by ERC-20 Ethereum Blockchain, which allows the development of Decentralized Applications (DApp) that enable transactions to sell, exchange and trade, is also a unique multi-use cryptocurrency with many active sites.
There are several projects that develop and support DApps, and platforms such as independent video and revolutionary content sharing programs (such as forums), all of which use DDGN Ecosystem and trigger its rapid growth.
The main objectives of the market are the simplification and proliferation of crypto currencies and the use of tokens in the adult entertainment industry. We also aim to make this process as fast and as easy as possible. The best solution to achieve these goals is to develop a market that is accessible to all adult entertainment businesses, and where they can sell their goods and services for any cryptocurrency, including DDGN token. Given the worldwide access provided by cryptocurrency, businesses in the adult entertainment industry anywhere in the world will be able to join our market to sell their goods and services.
DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) DEVIL is not only decentralized, but also autonomous and encrypted. It offers options to share, publish and produce (through sales, trade, exchanges and only utilize its own ecosystem features), making it easy to enjoy a new multimedia world and especially adult entertainment. In that case, this will not only bring to life a new business model but also annoy other players who make the price of contemporary adult entertainment too high.
Marketplace will also provide opportunities for individual businesses to offer exclusive offers to marketplace users. This will help this business target new users from the market user pool and grow a business client base.
The DRAGON TOKEN DEVIL described here only marks the initial stage of revolutionizing Adult Entertainment. It brings innovation to products that work in real life on the Blockchain.
DDGN will give token holders a number of different benefits that will help DDGN not only grow in utility value but also increase its reach.
In contrast to the current environment, where someone activates a camera or logs into a private website to watch and hopes he can be a part of it, DDGN presents an opportunity to become an active participant in a place full of adventure. A person can put in place a system to use and realize their thoughts through an operating Ecosystem based on the availability of DEVIL’S DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS.
DDGN has also collaborated and has also supported several websites that are already well known and exist in the world and you can visit anytime.
Bravo Models Media
An Adult and Non-Adult Video Photo Production and Erotic Model Agency with 30 years of experience in providing exclusive content.
Bravo Cash
A Video production and Model Agency based in Prague with exclusive content and stars.
Europe Top Girls
A stable and reliable partner of some of some of the biggest model agencies in the world. Specialized in delivering the best of the best models from Eastern Europe, Asia, and other countries
Real Wild Girls Network Media – Content Partner
Since 1999, RWG Media has been one of DDGN’s content partners and all of its 25+ DVDs with fresh and original content will be available in the DDGN Ecosystem when the platform is ready.
The DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) is not only a reflection of a practical society that is uniquely designed to sustain peer-to-peer (P2P) engagement or a simple Token enhanced by the ERC-20 Ethereum Blockchain, which enables development of Decentralised Applications (DApp) that enable transactions to sell, exchange, and trade, it is also a unique multi-use cryptocurrency with many active sites. There are projects developing and supporting DApps, and platforms like an independent video and revolutionary (forum-like) content-sharing program, all using the DDGN Ecosystem and fuelling its rapid growth.
The DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) is not only decentralised, but also autonomous and encrypted. It offers the option to share, publish, and earn (through selling, trading, exchanging, and merely utilising the features of its own ecosystem), making it easy to enjoy a new world of multimedia and especially adult entertainment. In that regard, this would not only bring new business models to life but also disrupt other players that make the price of contemporary adult entertainment unreasonably high.
DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS will be usable and will be converted into fiat currency via any Ethereum wallet through an ERC-20 token-friendly Exchange and/ or ATM like any other valid and eligible token. They will also be able to be used with any other Blockchain project and/or technology that is already in operation. That is just the start, as there is potential for DDGN to offer many other features with many of them already live.
DDGN is and will be used on active sites to access content and/or on a video platform for creators to watch videos and receive rewards. Beyond that, to drive the dynamics of its own ecosystem DDGN will enable others to adopt many more revolutionary and innovative business models in the very near future.
The potential for earnings will be further harnessed through features including rewards and revenue sharing, live broadcasts, moderating content for the approval or disapproval of forum posts, mining for content, and arranging unused hard disk space to earn more DEVIL´S DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS.
Token Information
Only Ethereum is accepted.
Token value 2000 DDGN = 1 ETH for PRIVATE – ONLY PRESALE,
in SALE (ITO) RATE 1000 DDGN = 1 ETH
START PRESAL: 2020-08-15 00:01
DONE: 2020-08-31 23:59
Total Supply and Distribution
25%: Marketing
35%: Tech Development
15%: Content
15%: Business Development
10%: Legal and Regulatory
Presale (PRIVATE SALE) 5%
(All unsold tokens will be burned)
Crowdsale 55%
(All unsold tokens will be burned)
Team & Partners 9%
(Used only for new partnerships and strenghten the Team)
Reserved 6%
(for Exchanges and Legal Purposes)
Ecosystem 18%
(Used only on our Platforms as we indicate in our White Paper)
Dev Team 2%
(Used only for developing purposes and none of these tokens will be on sale)
Founder 4%
(Used for administrative costs, regulations and internal ecosystem needs only)
Ext. Developer 1%
(Non-Team based Developers to use for Testing and other Developing Purposes on entire Ecosystem and its features)
Kisses Tech Dev Team
Leon Lambert
Alexander M. Wolf
Blockchain Entrepreneur & Expertisé
Damien Denio
Orhan Kadir Orka
Blockchain Analyst / Solidity Developer
Michael H. Miller
Sara “Ahab Girl” Nguyen
Branding Director, Marketing Linguist

Rabu, 15 Juli 2020



私たちの目的は、stablecoins、Defi、CBDCの世界的な採用を奨励し、銀行のない若者が迅速かつ安全で安価なOpenFinanceにアクセスできるようにすることです。私たちは、このような開発に取り組むすべてのプロジェクトをサポートし、クライアントの獲得とインフラストラクチャに焦点を当てています。Corion Foundationは、主流の採用が私たちの主なターゲットであるため、そのようなプロジェクトに共通のプラットフォームを作成するためにここにいます。私たちは、この新しいデジタルマネーの使用をほとんどの電子財布と金融で利用できるようにして、より多くの地域で利用できるようにすることを決意しています。


Corion Xは、さまざまなステーブルコインとDeFiプロジェクト、サービスプロバイダー、コミュニティメンバーを結び付けて世界に紹介し、グローバルステーブルコインユーザーコミュニティの構築をサポートします
CorionXは、#MoneyAndTheRightDirection Stablecoin Movementをリードして、パラダイムシフトに成功し、日常生活で安定した暗号を使用しています。CorionXホルダーは、運動のキャンペーンプログラムに参加するための特典と特別なアクセス権を取得します 

CorionXは、ブロックチェーンベースのERC20(Ethereum Request for Comment 20)ユーティリティトークンです
Etherscan:https ://etherscan.io/token/0x26a604DFFE3ddaB3BEE816097F81d3C4a2A4CF97 
排出値:$ 0.015




Senin, 13 Juli 2020


What is the IBIDTOWIN
The IBIDTOWIN auction floor is a Singapore 4.0 e-commerce platform which will be launched in early June 2020, in the form of Ebay or Amazon. The difference is that this new e-commerce floor uses Blockchain technology, Tokens themselves and trading businesses based on the Auction
10-second countdown auction method (every time someone clicks on the auction, the 10-second loop will be counted again from the start) until no one presses the auction operation for the product within 10 seconds it will belong to the last person who clicks on the auction. People will bid based on Points (range $ 0.13 = 1 Point), each click you will lose 1 Point
Points can be bought, or given from the system maker.

What is the Dutch Auction? Investopedia defines Dutch auctions as a price discovery process where sellers of "auctioneers" start with high asking prices and then decrease them gradually until the cumulative bids received cover the entire bid amount. This type of auction is often used for initial public offerings to find the optimal price for the full amount of stock issued by a company. In this process, it is possible to sell the intended quantity at competitive prices, which are found by the forces of supply and demand. In our Dutch Auction, the price per Token will decrease consistent with the pricing formula described in our personal placement memorandum.

How Does the Dutch Quadrant Token Auction Work? As we mentioned before, the Quadrant will sell about 20% of the common stock, in the form of a Quadrant Token, in a Quadrant Token Sale. Quadrant Token Sales consist of two components, Private Pre-Sales and Dutch Public Auctions. In Pre-Sales, we will sell around 10% of Quadrant's common stock, which amounts to around 10,000,000 Quadrant Tokens. In the Dutch Auction, we will sell all Tokens that were not sold during Pre-Sales, as well as 10,000,000 additional Tokens. (So, for example, if 8,000,000 Quadrant Tokens are sold during Pre-Sales, 12,000,000 will be sold during the Auction.) The auction will run for two weeks - the bidding will start with an ETH price of roughly equivalent to $ 10 per Token,

Why the Dutch Auction? Two reasons: transparency and price discovery. In the Dutch Auction, each bidder has complete visibility regarding the total available supply, current prices, and price changes over time. This mechanism achieves price discovery - each participant can bid for any amount at the price they believe to be the correct price, and every bid is seen, so that each subsequent bidder gets a direct benefit from bid information in making their own decisions about the correct price. This is a classic example of an open and transparent market mechanism that efficiently facilitates price discovery.

Raiden Choosing the Dutch auction mechanism put us in a good "crypto company", because it is similar to the launch of the Raiden token, which was completed towards the end of last year. Not surprisingly, the Raiden team stated: "We value efficiency and certainty of participation while providing certainty of valuation as the most important property for the launch of the Raiden token (RDN). We therefore chose a uniform Dutch auction price as the format. "

Dutch Auction and Blockchain Technology. Dutch auctions will be conducted and denominated in ETH. This is perfect for a blockchain, because successful bidders will be able to claim their tokens in return for ETH, without involving "Wall Street" transfer agents or other intermediaries,

After the auction is over, the Token will be managed on the Ethereum blockchain, which we believe will give the Company and our investors superior security and efficiency.

It doesn't matter if you have a lot of money or a little money, as long as you click on the auction and the next 10 seconds nobody clicks on the auction, the product will be yours (either IP 11, or camry car), all of this is very possible (the test on this floor) .

Use the blockchain to contribute to the transparency of auction products and auction participants.
The IBID auction floor operates according to the auction format as in the example above, i.e., the user will use Point to click on the product auction.

Points will be bought with money and are very cheap
Products on the floor are all types from AZ, such as Amazon, may be uploaded by users.
Imagine, you can bid a car that costs tens of thousands of dollars with only a few dozen clicks at a very low price, sometimes only equivalent to a few hundred dollars.
Exchange will send the product to you, don't worry.

Voting allows the list of DApps, products and services in the iBid ecosystem. You have the right to decide which iBid will sponsor and reject projects.
Exchange value in the iBid ecosystem. Creating and maintaining an internal and individual economy is one of the most important tasks of IBID tokens
iBid tokens are used as a fee gateway for you to use certain functions of an ecosystem.

Bidding to get your favorite items extremely cheap prices by auction on iBid Platform
Build a platform for real-time, ascending blockchain auctions
iBid - the decentralizing blockchain auction will transform the bidding processes, becoming fair and transparent as the bidding parties are also able to supervise the auction processes.

New blockchain
We choose to use blockchain technology because blockchain is, indeed, perfectly relevant to our project as it answers some security requirements that traditional auctions can not currently guarantee.

New Decentralization
The data about each auction is stored in the blockchain The blockchain data is stored in multiple places Every computer that stores a copy of the blockchain must approve each addition, protecting against unauthorized changes If any information about the bid changes, the digital signature would change as well. This enables everyone to be able to verify bid information

New bidding
This is intrinsic part of blockchain, can solve several issues that is inherent to traditional auctions, including the fact that:
They are not transparent. Bidders have no way to ensure the origin, authenticity and legitimacy of a higher bid, bidding history is made trackable and verifiable by anyone.
Current auctions are not open, because of the very essence of their centralization. Bidders must use the organizer’s platform. This is not the case with iBid Blockchain as it can be used solely for its blockchain layer if necessary. Interoperability is the key. And this is what iBid Blockchain brings.

Why iBid use multi-level marketing model?
If iBid auction operates in the traditional systems, we must pay a lot of money for google, facebook, etc to build a solid community like eBay, eBid, etc which cost very much to create fair play for users. But if iBid runs on a new model, users start with only $ 25 but can earn up to $15.000 from systems. In addition, when using iBid to bid, users have the opportunity to win many products at very cheap prices compared to market value.


Link to Download the iBid Application


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