Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

Recycle for Life

Recycle for Life

What is Recycle for life?
Recycle for life (RFL) is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal E-waste Handler. RFL transports all e-waste recycling to an Environmental Protection Agency certified facility.

While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use recycling rewards program based on a tokenized private blockchain.

At the end, Our aims to integrate all companies, employees, and business assets into a unified recycling blockchain ecosystem, which will make recycling truly efficient and fun.

We’ve built a Recycling
Platform that Rewards Users
Earn Recycle for life tokens when you participate in our global recycling program. Simply recycle an acceptable item and upload your receipt of doing.

Recycle for Life is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal
E-waste Handler. RFL is involved in the transportation of all e-waste to environmental protection
Agency certified Facilities. Recycle for Life started operations as a company in January of 2010.
It was created as a nationwide ink and toner cartridge recycling company. Recycle for life has
collected over 500,000 ink and toner cartridges in the first year of its existence. In march 2012,
Recycle for Life transitioned to the business of commercial e-waste logistics as an e-waste handler in Southern California.

Last year, Recycle for Life delivered over 1 million pounds of e-waste picked up from over 8,800
businesses since 2010 and have 3,450 active clients. Keith Harris, the founder of Recycle for Life
has been involved in the recycling and reuse of electronic accessories since 1996. Recycle for Life
wants to leverage on blockchain technology to create a system based on the blockchain network that will reward subscribers to their newsletter and to the Recycling Awareness Association.
These tokens will also be awarded to recycling plants, recycling processors, users with recycling
receipts and users who forward to at least 5 emails to others information regarding our e-waste
recycling services.

Bring your eligible electronic items to your participating local e-waste recycling center. Recycle your goods and you will be provided a receipt. Upload the reciept to us along with your Ethereum address and we will send you the amount of tokens based on the amount of weight you recycled.

Support Local Charity Efforts
Clean up the environment
Earn Badges
Earn Money
Incentivized Recycling

Start Jun 22, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for sale 1,000,000,000 RFL (100%)
End Jul 31, 2020 (11:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate 1 RFL = $0.20
Acceptable currencies ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimal transaction amount 0.001 ETH

Distribution of tokens

Use of proceeds

March 2019
Start of the Recycle for life Development.
April 2019
Development of ICO platform
June 2019
Launch of Social Network
August 2019
ICO preparation & Whitepaper
June 2020
Start limited token sale
July 2020
Complete token sale
August 2020
Begin token exchange program
September 2020
Recycling Awareness Association forms
October 2020
Token Exchange listings
November 2020
Create Awareness Rating (AR) make post able to SM
December 2020
Launched of mobile Apps

Keith Harris - CEO
Mel Gonzales - Marketing
Anastasia Reut - Developer
Bogdan Botov - Blockchain Developer

David Moon
Benjamin Föckersperger
Adrian Lam



Rabu, 24 Juni 2020


What is the purpose of Crypcore?
Stable coins were created to solve the problem of volatility as crypto currency adoption has been bottlenecked around price stability. Stable coins have performed well since joining the crypto currency space but there are still a lot of improvements to be made. Particularly in the area of crypto collateralized coins. This paper explores the possibility of creating a crypto collateralized stable coin that combines pure crypto exchanges, a solvency system and the Cryptonote protocol. Crypcore is all about creating a crypto asset that enforces a solvency system which eliminates wild price swings, while giving Crypcore the chance to grow. Crypcore is essentially the combination of a crypto collateralized digital asset with a solvency system to ensure price stability.

How does Crypcore work? 
Crypcore is forked from Monero which is built on the cryptographically secure and truly anonymous Cryptonote protocol, the Crypcore ecosystem brings together a solvency equation, a pure crypto exchange and the Cryptonote protocol to create a coin which has a stable price with price stability achieved by averaging the collateral increase with price fluctuations. To this effect Crypcore is a stable coin which operates in a fundamentally different way to traditional stable coins, we will call it a Dynamic Stable Coin (DSC). Crypcore will earn collateral from the fees charged on the Crypcore exchange, these fees will be added to the collateral of the Crypcore coin thus always increasing the collateral and maintaining the stability of the Crypcore Price. Crypcore is not to be viewed as traditional crypto currency stable coin but rather a new and innovative approach to achieving price stability in the crypto currency space.

Problems and Solutions
Too much power on the part of the issuer:
Stable coins can effectively be taken out of circulation at any time by the issuing organization. As an example the Omni Protocol of tether can grant and revoke tokens represented on the blockchain [2]. With Crypcore this is not possible because of the technology that Crypcore is based on.
Over issuance:
A big problem with most stable coins is that they are issued the same way central banks issue money, this makes them vulnerable to over issuance and susceptible to inflation [3]. Crypcore will not have this problem because the quantity in circulation is determined by the emission logic of the Cryptonote protocol, and is visible to all.
Unstable Virtual Collateral:
Virtual Collateral is itself unstable so using it to back a stable coin is difficult and confusing [3]. By the end of this paper you will see how Crypcore hopes to solve this problem.
Highly Regulated:
Fiat pegged stable coins are highly regulated and constrained by legacy banking systems [3].
Expensive, slow liquidation & purchasing:
Liquidating stable coins can be slow because with most stable coin providers you need to wire money to your account which will incur bank fees. Purchasing can also be slow as you sometimes need to undergo KYC procedures and transfer money which can sometimes take days [3].
Complex Smart Contracts:
For crypto collateralized digital assets like Maker Dai there is a problem of understanding. For regular everyday users the terms can seem unnecessarily complex. Crypcore will implement a very simple solvency equation system with easy to understand equation and parameters. Poor Anonymity with stable coins: Stable coins do not offer any level of anonymity.

Token Detaiels
Name : Crypcore (CRYP)
Purchase methods accepted : BTC, ETH, LTC
Hard cap : 7 MILLION
Soft cap : 3 MILLION
Cost of 1 CRYP : 0.00001 ETH
New Token emissions : Unavailable
Bonus system : Yes
Presale of Private Sale : Not held
Know Your Customer (KYC) : Yes
Min/Max Personal Cap : 0.01 ETH / No limit
Whitelist : No
Private Sale : 15 Nov 2019 to 5 Dec 2019
IEO : 20 Dec to Jan 20 2019

Token Distribution
65% – Token for Sale
10% – Marketing
15% – Team & Advisors
9% – Reserve
1% – Bounty

Michael Soeterbroek, Founder & CEO
Peter Akporume, Co-Founder
Shehzad Khan, CTO & Developer
Kashif Khan, CMO

Project Roadmap


Selasa, 09 Juni 2020

Brand Tokens


Token BRND adalah platform all in one untuk mengelola semua kebutuhan Token BRND Anda. Keluarkan token ERC20 Anda berdasarkan loyalitas blockchain Anda. Daftarkan di bursa kami. Mudah mengintegrasikan token ke dalam layanan Anda. Hadiahi klien Anda dengan token dan beri mereka imbalan sebagai imbalan.
Token BRND, token utama dari ekosistem Token BRND, adalah Token sebagai Layanan. Bisnis dapat membuat token unik mereka sendiri di jaringan Token BRND. Dengan token unik mereka sendiri, bisnis dapat memberi hadiah kepada pelanggan mereka dengan mudah tanpa mengubah citra merek mereka.
Kami membantu pengguna untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kesenangan, penawaran yang lebih baik, dan cara baru dalam memberikan umpan balik yang berharga kepada merek. Agregasi data token memungkinkan cara baru eksplorasi dan distribusi konten, membuat rekomendasi dari teman lebih berharga dan dapat dipercaya.
Meskipun dominasi sistem imbalan loyalitas, model yang ada rusak. Beberapa pelanggan tidak akan pernah menebus poin mereka dan mereka yang akan menemukan proses tidak jelas. Whitepaper ini memamerkan sistem saat ini dari industri penghargaan loyalitas dan menyajikan alasan mengapa sistem imbalan loyalitas berbasis blockchain lebih baik ditempatkan untuk mengubah industri. Token BRND adalah platform imbalan dan pertukaran loyalitas yang digerakkan oleh blockchain. Kami adalah rekayasa kasus penggunaan baru yang revolusioner dan cara baru membangun loyalitas antara merek dan pengguna. Dengan bantuan kami, merek dapat mengeluarkan, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan token loyalitas berbasis blockchain untuk memberi penghargaan dan memberikan pengalaman baru, lebih baik, dan tanpa cela bagi pelanggan. Token mudah ditukar, cair, dan dihargai secara real-time memitigasi tanggung jawab dari solusi loyalitas incumbent.

Salah satu nilai inti yang mendorong BRND adalah berbagi kemakmuran dengan semua pemangku kepentingan yang telah berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekosistemnya. Alih-alih memiliki perusahaan kecil yang berbagi keuntungan dengan hanya beberapa direktur, kami percaya jenis pengaturan jaringan lebih baik.
Karena kami mengizinkan merek untuk membuat token mereka sendiri di platform kami, yang merupakan token xB, kami menawarkan kepada mereka peluang program loyalitas pribadi yang unik yang mudah dan hemat biaya untuk dijalankan. Dengan cara ini, kami mengubah pasar manajemen loyalitas.
Kami juga mendorong merek yang menjadi mitra kami untuk membeli token BRND dengan persyaratan khusus. Setiap merek yang mempertaruhkan 1 juta BRND selama minimal 1 tahun akan dihargai dengan berlangganan premium gratis untuk saat mempertahankan taruhannya. Dengan cara ini anggota kami akan menyediakan dana untuk pengembangan layanan lebih lanjut yang akan mereka gunakan.

Spesifikasi Token BRND
BLOCKCHAIN ​​| Ethereum - ERC20  

Spesifikasi Token BRND
BLOCKCHAIN ​​| Ethereum - ERC20  

Meskipun masing-masing merek dapat membuat token mereka, BRND adalah token dari platform Token BRND. Ini akan digunakan dalam ekosistem kita sebagai alat pembayaran untuk:
Promosi yang dipromosikan.
Game dan tantangan bagi pengguna.
Sebagai hadiah untuk merek dan pengguna.
Hadiah afiliasi.

Permintaan utama akan dihasilkan oleh mekanisme pembelian kembali. Ini berarti bahwa sebagian dari pendapatan akan dimaksudkan untuk membeli kembali token dari pasar. Token yang dibeli kembali akan dibakar, yang akan mengurangi total pasokan token BRND yang beredar.

Penjualan Token
Peta jalan
● Brandtokens OU Company didirikan di Estonia sebagai perusahaan perangkat lunak dan teknologi.
● Situs web baru yang memungkinkan Sign-Up untuk Merek dan Pengguna dengan kesempatan berlangganan untuk token merek favorit.
● preICO terbuka untuk klien internal (edisi terbatas hanya 100 juta token).
● Sistem pemilihan bagi pengguna untuk memutuskan Merek mana yang mereka sambut di platform.
● ICO - 400 juta token dalam distribusi.
● 1.000 Merek pertama dalam sistem.
● Mock-up aplikasi
● Peluncuran program loyalitas sesuai token dengan BRND dan xB untuk penguji beta dan pengadopsi awal.
● Platform terbuka untuk setiap perusahaan, on-boarding besar-besaran.
● Penawaran pemasaran, pertumbuhan merek dan basis pengguna.
● Meluncurkan Alat Otomatisasi Pemasaran untuk Merek.
● Pembuatan profil bertenaga AI, kualitas baru dalam Otomasi Pemasaran.
● Pengembangan platform.
● Putaran ICO 2.
● Pemasaran platform yang intensif.
● Token BRND terdaftar di platform pertukaran.
● Pembelian kembali token BRND untuk pertama kalinya.
● Pengembangan platform.

Robert Wesker: CEO & Co-Founder
Szczepan Bentyn: COO & Co-founder
Mohanraj MS: CTO
Tomasz Rozmus: CBD
Marta Lapacz: Pengembang Bisnis
Mustafa Dahdouh: Desainer UX / UI
Lirdi Cani: Manajer Proyek
Zofia Pacholczyk: Manajer Media Sosial
Khaled Mouhssine: Manajer Penjualan Internasional



Senin, 08 Juni 2020


Ulasan Crypto yang Demokrat
Crypto yang Demokrat
Ulasan Crypto yang Demokrat dan Transparan.
Ulasan pertukaran Cryptocurrency sebenarnya tidak ada. Tidak diketahui di mana pertukaran Cryptocurrency berada,
menurut pengalaman pengguna, Ada banyak platform populer di mana orang dapat melihat pertukaran berdasarkan volume dan skor kepercayaan mereka, tetapi tidak ada pengalaman di mana pengguna akhir terdaftar.
Pengguna telah kehilangan crypto pada pertukaran populer, jika mereka dapat mengakses pengguna akhir dan meninjau kerugian ini akan dicegah.
Tapi masalah palsu, volume yang menciptakan masalah bagi pengguna yang mencari pertukaran tepercaya untuk berdagang.
Ada juga masalah lain bahwa Crypto Exchange relatif baru dan proyek-proyek sulit untuk menonjol di Crowd.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, kami telah membuat platform ProExchangers Crypto Exchange, bersama dengan platform ini kami memiliki Token Peninjau Proexchanger, Token yang dirancang untuk memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna yang mempromosikan transparansi di ruang Crypto.

Di sini Proexchangers mengusulkan situs web tempat orang dapat meninjau Crypto, Tukarkannya dengan jujur, dan berikan umpan balik yang bermanfaat bagi orang yang mencari Exchange untuk diperdagangkan.
- Situs web peninjau ProExchangers, tempat orang dapat menulis ulasan tentang pertukaran dan menemukan pendapat jujur ​​dari pengguna.
- Token Peninjau ProExchangers, untuk membiayai ulasan transparansi Crypto.

Sifat industri mata uang Crypto berarti bahwa investor ritel harus bergantung pada bursa, pengembang, dan situs peringkat koin untuk membuat keputusan.
Hubungan ini terlihat seperti hubungan antara investor ritel dan pemain di industri Crypto.

Dari diagram di atas kita dapat melihat bahwa investor ritel tidak memiliki titik pusat di mana mereka dapat berbagi pendapat tentang pertukaran dan proyek dengan pengguna lain. Investor ritel tidak memiliki cara utama untuk mendapatkan informasi dari pengguna lain dan menyampaikan informasi kepada pengguna lain.

- Volume Palsu:
Ada masalah volume palsu dan cara
membuat masalah kepercayaan, semoga platform peringkat koin populer mencoba menyelesaikannya dengan membuat metrik.

- Masalah lain adalah bahwa proyek crypto muda tidak memiliki visibilitas yang cukup dan ProExchangers bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan membuat kelas dan halaman yang didedikasikan hanya untuk proyek yang berusia kurang dari 18 bulan.

Detail Token.
Platform: token ERC20
Pasokan MAX: TBD
Alamat kontrak: TBD
Tanggal Peluncuran: TBD



Minggu, 07 Juni 2020


What is a 3WM Project?
3WM is a global industrial project designed to protect the environment and improve life. Our ambition is to revolutionize the way we manage waste and plastics, the way we process air, the way we move, by making the world's largest bioenergy plant and the world's first intelligence network.

3WM develops innovative solutions and supports companies that bring significant improvements to the environment through cryptocurrency that drives circular economies in 3 areas: air, waste and mobility.
The planet is renewing a vast area that has been able to save ecosystems and prepare for life. Waste piles up everywhere, all the time, mostly plastic waste, which has become the main secret that is everywhere. In addition, 2.1 billion people do not have access to drinking water and yields, mortality rates are very high and unacceptable. Finally, mobility and transportation that fit our lifestyle, without becoming the first problem in terms of air quality every day 3WM is a global project that is renewing land, air and air. We have created a good environmental circle based on blockchain and revolutionary industrial technology, meeting and patenting, recovering waste,

As a result of the allocated and humanist vision of the Franco-Swiss founding association, 3WM gave an unprecedented response, a concrete project, a carrier for the future of the planet, and profitable for its investors:
+ We convert 100% of waste into bio energy by developing the world's first network of clean and autonomous factories to manage plastics and human waste activities (plastic, organic, medical ... in electricity, bio-gas, heat, bio-fuel ... )
+ We create a good decontamination circle by providing an imbalance in the 3WM ecological action tokens such as collecting garbage and green mobility and all other Eco Actions that support the environment.
+ We drink water and are accessible to the largest and poorest.
+ We are increasing the mode of transportation to fewer CO2 emissions.
+ We created the first global network of 10 Eco Tech (ETC) centers to put together for environmental protection, a tangible set of challenges for the best acceleration of global green technology, for research, sharing and investment.
+ We create local economic and social added value and also produce direct and indirect great works

This platform was created to support a unique interface for the entire 3WM ecosystem which consists of organizations that support the 3WM EcoAction Program, ecological projects with relevant products and services, community donors and who actively contribute to developing supported ecosystems. All Activities Regarding the ecosystem that we have developed will use our platform for different needs. We have made a set of integrated modules that allow all parties to use the various types of services proposed.
3WM, an industrial project driven by Blockchain:
By tackling complex changes with innovative technology, we can build a more sustainable and fair world. The Environmental Challenge also coincides with an era of unprecedented innovation and technical change that is ours. As a provider of innovative environmental conservation solutions since 2012, we (Solar Innovation Holding AG) question the value of this great paradigm. We have offered a complete patented solution that is supported by a proven business model with existing partners. We believe it can benefit from Blockchain technology which has the potential to become a strong basic technology to remake and develop how to create an environment that creates value and deals.

A concrete example: giving incentives to stakeholders to carry plastic waste:
Stakeholders will provide incentives to bring plastic waste to the area allocated for transfer to bioenergy. Collecting waste collection based on PoEA is a new way to create a managed ecosystem for the planet. There is no incentive for collectors to spend all day collecting garbage if paying cash they will be stolen and there is no incentive for companies to recycle plastics if the funds end up lining bags of diverse organized criminals. Every 3WM EcoAction transaction on the PoEA protocol is deducted by an ecological fee of 1% of the total amount transacted. The total ecological cost is allocated directly to the 3WM EcoInvestment Investment fund. Instead of cash.
Business Models & Strategies:
3WM is a global concept with an approved and supported team that asks these environmental questions by providing innovative and practical solutions to land, air and air agreements. The business model adopted by the 3WM group is based on the following main activities:

Sales of technology and equipment
Thanks to its 3 pillars and partners, the 3WM group has many innovative technologies and concepts in the field of circular economy and the renewable energy it provides have produced attractive benefits in the short and medium term.

Sales of Plastic To Energy machinery and factories
One of 3WM's superior products is the processing of plastic waste and its transformation into Energy (Fuel, Electricity, etc.) with high performance, positive energy balance, and rapid investment increase.

Brand, patent, and technology exclusivity by country
In order to have better development for our activities throughout the world, we have decided to find partners, established families in each country or group of countries. In this context, and to submit a request for exclusivity, we inform investors or families of this request to join us in the ownership of shares of companies holding our country we have created in Switzerland.

Plastic Royalty To Energy
For the sustainability of the concept 51% of the company's activities holding the state remain the property of the 3WM group, these companies receive monthly royalties from waste plastic factories for Energy and other activities in a dedicated country

In the first quarter of 2018, 412 blockchain projects raised more than $ 3.3 billion through an initial coin offering (ITO). Less than 1% of this is in the energy and utilities sector, representing around $ 100 million in investment, only around 3% of total investment.

Funding the 3WM Eco Innovation Program:
One of the main solutions to increase transitions throughout the world is to first invest in promising projects that can provide real solutions. Phase development, industrialization and distribution of internal 3WM® products or our partners is very important. Each partner who joins the ecosystem will receive it after agreeing from board members to help them scale up.

The 3WM EcoInnovation Program will be funded as follows:
14% of all amounts collected during the ITO crowdfunding campaign will be locked at the time of fund reserve.
3% of the annual benefits realized by 3WM® will be allocated to the fund.
100% of the ecological costs incurred for each PoEA transaction on the network will be sent to the fund.
90% of all allocated to the community will be allocated for these funds. Another 10% will contribute to the development of 3WM®.
100% of all who participate by ecological organizations that join the PoEA program. Donations will contribute to supporting development conservation actions.

ITO · 54%
ITO can be right after the public Pre-ITO. We support to build communities supported by our ecosystem to obtain our vision and our ecological strategy. Endorsement of the future of our ecological digital assets represented by the 3WM Token.
3WM EcoInnovation Program · 24%
24% of global investment is allocated to special programs managed by board members and audited by the public. In addition, unsold tokens will be allocated to the 3WM Eco Innovation Program after 3 pillars.
Pre-ITO · 10%
Participants during public pre-sale who actively contribute to the project by trusting us. The funds raised will be allocated for the development of the 3WM Platform release, our French ETC arrangements, the first French factory, and marketing promotions for the Token sales promotion.
Team & Recipient · 4%
Team tokens will be used to incentivize team members and win for jobs and win them. The number of teams is given 2 years after ITO is finished.
Private Investor · 4%
The amount allocated to private investors will be given 1 year after the distribution of public tokens in the first ITO period. Personal relationships are implemented in ITO smart contracts to guarantee it.
Airdrop & Bounty · 2%
The Airdrop & Bounty Program rewards our first community members for awards in our ecosystem with worldwide approval for approval on their consciousness.
Partners · 2%
All strategic partners (such as NGOs) will receive 3WM Tokens as proof of partnership that supports them to join the community and support the innovation process. Building a strong ecosystem remains a priority for the partnership. Part of this fund will be used to develop strategic partnerships in order to bring technology (universities / laboratories) together, collaborate in arrangements and business.

Plant & Eco Tech Center (ETC) Network · 32%
3WM® helps to create the largest network of technology expertise in the world that offers environmental protection by building at Eco Tech Centers (ETC), places that support the development of eco-technology intelligence.
3WM EcoInnovation Program · 22%
Promote the development of innovative products and / or services that pursue one or more of the 3 pillars to increase the 3WM® expansion. Innovation is at the heart of our DNA.
Research & Development · 15%
3WM® develops proprietary solutions by working every day for new ecologically patented solutions or by getting out. All technology created, announced and industrialized is largely in our ETC.
Marketing · 15%
Promote our technology by increasing awareness and knowledge about the 3WM ecosystem. In addition, marketing costs will also include online and offline strategies to generate 3WM® brand awareness to become big actors, and draw attention to the 3WM ecosystem.
Employees - Staff · 9%
The well-developed 3WM® for the platform and Eco Tech Center implies to strengthen our professional staff of engineers, project managers, designers, blockchain developers, marketing and sales.
Law & Accounting · 3%
Legal fees and approvals, to ensure our business, laws, places, us, and coordinate with providers, legal experts to support project creators for their Token sales projects. The funds will be used to replace a variety of different regulatory bodies, such as FINMA, which will be the top priority for our tokens. Our budget is allocated to supplement existing and new laws.
3WM Platform Development · 4%
Platform Development Participants will build and create core smart contracts, PoEA protocols and 3WM EcoAction Fund management.

2010- Q2 2018
Creation of Solar Holding AG Innovations
Research & Development (Water, Waste & Mobility)
Acquisition of patented technology (Water, Waste & Mobility)
Diesoil and Logoil acquisition
Prize for innovation at the Geneva Innovation conference
Q3 2018
Birth of the 3WM Project
The decision to use Blockchain and make an approved cryptocurrency for the project
The making of the 3WM Coin Invest Group in Switzerland by Peter Ammann and Gérard RISCH
Q2 2019
Start to find strategic partnerships for 3 pillars (Air, Waste & Mobility) + Acquisition of Mulhouse buildings (futures ETC France)
Q4 2019
Mulhouse site investment development: Investment in the «Plastic-to-Bioenergy» industry pilot, financed by equity
The first 7 partners decided to be satisfied with ETC France
Q3 - Q2 2019
White paper
Team selection and 3WM selection
Q2 2020
3WM Platform Development
Q2 2020
Smart contract conception for the 3WM Innovation Program
3WM Token Sales
Platform 3WM version 1.0
Q3 2020
3WM program label
Creation of 2 ETC Maghreb and gathering operational subsidiaries
Q4 2020
3WM Crowd Token Sales
Register at the crypto transition
Final 3WM platform
Creation of 2 ETCs in the Middle East and simultaneously, Opening a subsidiary

André Spathelf: CEO
Nabil El Aichaoui: COO - CIO
Gabriel J. PEÑA: International Business Development Manager
Christian Gauthier: Mobility Manager
Elisabeth Spathelf: Public Relations Manager
Martin Müller: Business manager
Hans-Eberhardt Frenzel: Medical Waste Manager
Erich Gröver: Technology Manager

Investor & Founder:
Peter Ammann: Co-founder
Gérard Risch: Co-founder
Paul Strub: Investor

Rémy Ozcan | Expert Blockchain
Christophe Ozcan | Expert Blockchain
Frederic Rohmer | Renewable Energy Specialist
Arnaud Stoeltzlen | Renewable Energy Specialist
Arnaud Courouble | Marine Environmental Specialist
Klaus Gommel | Circular Economist
Lucirene Rocha de Abreu | South American Business Specialist
Hikmet Dagci | EURASIA Business Specialist


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